
The base-app image extends the base image with additional tools and all locales.


  • OpenSSH server (disabled by default) and client
  • MySQL client
  • sqlite
  • dnsmasq (disabled by default)
  • postfix (disabled by default)
  • sudo
  • zip, unzip, bzip2
  • wget, curl
  • net-tools
  • moreutils
  • dns utils
  • rsync
  • git
  • nano, vim

Because some applications are using locales for translations (eg. date formatting) all locales are generated inside this image.

For an example docker service


Alpine doesn’t provide any locales so you have to find another method for using locales!

Uses Supervisord

This image is using supervisor and runs the daemon under user application (UID 1000; GID 1000) as default. If the container is started under a different user the daemon will be run under the specified uid.

Docker image tags

Tag Distribution name
alpine Alpine
alpine-3 deprecated
ubuntu-12.04 deprecated
ubuntu-14.04 deprecated
ubuntu-15.04 deprecated
ubuntu-15.10 deprecated
ubuntu-16.04 deprecated
debian-7 deprecated
debian-8 deprecated
debian-9 deprecated

Environment variables

Base environment variables

Environment variable Description Default
LOG_STDOUT Destination of daemon output empty (stdout)
LOG_STDERR Destination of daemon errors empty (stdout)
SERVICE_CRON_OPTS cron daemon arguments empty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_DNSMASQ_OPTS dnsmasq daemon arguments empty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_DNSMASQ_USER dnsmasq effective user root
SERVICE_POSTFIX_OPTS postfix daemon arguments empty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_SSH_OPTS ssh daemon arguments empty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_SUPERVISOR_OPTS supervisor daemon arguments empty (when syslog is used)
SERVICE_SUPERVISOR_USER supervisor effective user root
SERVICE_SYSLOG_OPTS syslog daemon arguments empty (when syslog is used)

Base environment variables

Environment variable Description Default
POSTFIX_MYNETWORKS Postfix mynetworks address empty
POSTFIX_RELAYHOST Postfix upstream relay server empty